Original fiction that excites

In today’s day and age, we see a lot of rehashing of old tales by movie makers everywhere. Frankly, it has become too predictable and turned me off movies almost entirely. OK, I am also addicted to writing and prefer it to watching TV (which I haven’t turned on in a year), but you know what I mean.

Well, when I write a story it is original, first and foremost. I don’t follow some Hollywood script or the already hashed-out formula “for success”. The very idea makes me cringe!

There are, in fact, two reasons I write my fiction:

1) to make people think about any number of things, usually things like freedom of thought, sexual expression, structure of our society and how to improve it

2) to incite sexual desire in myself and in others, because the mind is the biggest sex organ! And I daresay, I’m damn good at it. I doubt one could make a movie that captures the erotic scenes from my books anywhere near as good as I do, simply by writing it. Mainly because the book leaves at least some parts to the imagination, which is oh so important in great sex – being able to tailor things to one’s liking. If this makes no sense, read some of my scenes and you’ll see what I mean. I focus on detail, but not every tiny detail. Only the key parts that pull you in.

There is a third reason I like to write and that has inspired a few of my books, and that is therapy. Yes, if something is bothering me and I want to work my way through it, I don’t write it down like a diary. I just start a fiction story and fill it with characters that do the analysing for me, through action and sex! Actually, I’m unable to write a simple diary, because when I was just a kid (7 years old upwards), my ‘diary’ was a meeting of a council, where each person talked about a different aspect of my then life.. yup, even then I had multiple characters in my head. 😉