Also, why is it important to try and connect with our readers.
This is something that comes up a lot on various forums with writers. A lot of writers are so intimidated with the idea of trying to sell their work, that they deliberately do not try. This does save them a lot of angst, granted! But stop for a moment and consider what this really means.
First, it probably means they don’t think they are good enough to really ‘make it’. Which is total nonsense, when you consider the tripe that has made big bucks out there.
Second, they figure it’s all too hard to market yourself, in a world saturated with e-books. We are talking millions of books, and more being published each day, since every man and his dog can ‘publish’ a book nowadays, free of charge. To even have a chance at being noticed, one must do something extraordinary. Right?
Well, this is what I aim to find out. This is all a part of my journey as an author, I guess. I definitely get discouraged, quite frequently, because the books don’t sell themselves. At least, not until you make a name for yourself.
That is what we’re really talking about here. Making a name for yourself. See, right now, if you are reading this, you are probably thinking to yourself, “who is Sasha S.E. Joy?” And, “why should I read her books?”
You’re thinking that, because I haven’t done enough to spread the message and engage with my audience. I am working on it, and I promise not to quit, because I know I’m good. How do I know? Well, for starters, I’ve been writing since age 7, and I know I have a talent for it. Add to this, the fact that I published my first erotica at the request of my readers. Then there are the reviews I receive – a lot of them don’t make it into the public arena, instead people message me privately. Saying things like,
“Incredible writing.”
“You made me come.”
“I couldn’t put it down.”
And more, lots more. I figure, if so many people love my erotica, it would be silly not to try and connect with a wider audience.
Of course, with erotica marketing is anything but straightforward. There are censorship rules everywhere you turn. Often, I am made to feel almost like a criminal, just for having these sexy thoughts and trying to stir sexual desire in others. But I continue to write, because it is what I was born to do, and I write about sex and erotica, because… well, it turns me on and it’s a lot of fun! I write so obsessively, in fact, that I find it hard to sleep sometimes. I will do my day job and then put in 8 hours of writing in that same day. So, should I make it my career if I can? You’re damn right I should – and anyone that says different is a fool.